Anna and the King

2 min readOct 22, 2020

“But You’re Never Just Woman”

Did you ever have an English teacher tell you how important it is to read between the lines?

‘I’ do not read manipulative words. That’s a waste of time.

It is important to read only energy. Like animals. That’s conservation of space.

To look back over centuries is to see “ITS OWN TIME.”

Today, species still up against “consumption and colonialism,” ‘I’ look back and see ancient time more necessary than ever.

‘I’ never would have thought ancient time necessary, and yet here it is, comes to mind in a forward-thinking way…

This story Anna and the King presented in film was only one perspective. The perspective of a female.

Until, I heard “And yet, you still refuse to live. A mother, a teacher, a widow, but you’re never just woman”…

From which ‘I’ immediately understood as withdrawn. Or lost. Or even completely gone.

And ‘I’ could not believe how important these man’s words were, how remarkable this moment was to see a man not expect, but express his mind sees woman as woman.

Nothing more. And nothing less.

‘I’ do not see that today. ‘I’ see many manipulations of her.

Read between the lines:

“In Siam, everything has its own time.”

“India is British. That’s what being colonized is all about.”

“I am a guest,” Anna retorts. “A guest that is paid?” quickly shoots the King.

“Why doesn’t Queen Victoria have a lot of husbands?” questions Anna’s little boy.

“Why does my father humble me?” wonders son of King for insulting Anna’s boy’s dead father. Anna, as teacher, replies “Most people do not see the world as it is, they see it as they are. And a good king needs a broader view.”

Teacher recommends book Uncle Tom’s Cabin for inquiry about slaves vs masters written by a woman.

“She believes herself not equal of a man, an equal of a King.”

‘Nature abhors a vacuum.’ “One way to achieve the impossible is to change the climate.”

“I’m sorry. I cannot accept such generosity.”

Anna pleads “You cannot shut the world out forever. Believe me, I tried. But then came my son, he was my salvation.” The King snaps “And yet, you still refuse to live. A mother, a teacher, a widow, but you’re never just woman. In spite of all you say, Ma’am is not accepting passing of husband. It is why you so protect son and why you devote all time to books and issues and why you cannot accept gift. You lie even to yourself. So do not lecture me about living. You are not qualified.”

“And I was always believing English women slept in hats.”

“Everything has its own time.”

How much time do you take away from… how much of your belief will never be satisfied…

